11 research outputs found

    Smart destinations and the evolution of ICTs: a new scenario for destination management?

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    [EN] The impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on tourism and their foreseeable future evolution seem to be shaping a new scenario for destination management. This new context has given rise to the need for new management models. One of these models is the emerging smart tourism destination (STD), although it requires greater conceptual precision in order to become a new paradigm for destination management. This paper proposes a systemic model for STDs which facilitates the interpretation of the role of ICTs in the management of tourism destinations. Accordingly, the Delphi technique has been applied so as to determine the opinion of experts regarding the feasibility of the STD approach, its advantages and limitations and also the size of the impact of ICTs on the management and marketing of tourism destinations. This prospective exercise highlights the intensification of the impact of ICTs over the coming years which will shape a new scenario for management characterised by technology and data management. However, the efficiency of the STD approach will not depend exclusively only on technology but also on an appropriate governance of the destination that systematically incorporates the three levels of the STD, namely the strategic¿relational, instrumental and applied levels.This research has been carried out within the framework of the project "New approaches for tourism destinations planning and management: conceptualization, case studies and problems. Definition of smart tourist destinations models" (CSO2014-59193-R) under the Spanish National R&D&I Plan financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.Ivars-Baidal, JA.; Celdrán-Bernabeu, MA.; Mazón, JN.; Perles Ivars, A. (2019). Smart destinations and the evolution of ICTs: a new scenario for destination management?. Current Issues in Tourism (Online). 22(13):1581-1600. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2017.1388771S158116002213Benckendorff, P. J., Sheldon, P. J., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (Eds.). (2014). Tourism information technology. doi:10.1079/9781780641850.0000BERGER, S., LEHMANN, H., & LEHNER, F. (2003). LOCATION-BASED SERVICES IN THE TOURIST INDUSTRY. Information Technology & Tourism, 5(4), 243-256. doi:10.3727/109830503108751171Boes, K., Buhalis, D., & Inversini, A. (2014). Conceptualising Smart Tourism Destination Dimensions. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015, 391-403. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-14343-9_29Buhalis, D., & Amaranggana, A. (2014). Smart Tourism Destinations Enhancing Tourism Experience Through Personalisation of Services. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015, 377-389. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-14343-9_28Buhalis, D., & Foerste, M. (2015). SoCoMo marketing for travel and tourism: Empowering co-creation of value. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 4(3), 151-161. doi:10.1016/j.jdmm.2015.04.001Buhalis, D., & Law, R. (2008). Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet—The state of eTourism research. Tourism Management, 29(4), 609-623. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2008.01.005Buhalis, D., & Matloka, J. (2013). 24. Technology-enabled Tourism Destination Management and Marketing. Trends in European Tourism Planning and Organisation, 339-350. doi:10.21832/9781845414122-028Caragliu, A., & Del Bo, C. (2012). Smartness and European urban performance: assessing the local impacts of smart urban attributes. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 25(2), 97-113. doi:10.1080/13511610.2012.660323Cetin, G., Aydogan Cifci, M., Istanbullu Dincer, F., & Fuchs, M. (2016). Coping with reintermediation: the case of SMHEs. Information Technology & Tourism, 16(4), 375-392. doi:10.1007/s40558-016-0063-2Chung, N., & Koo, C. (2015). The use of social media in travel information search. Telematics and Informatics, 32(2), 215-229. doi:10.1016/j.tele.2014.08.005Cole, Z. D., Donohoe, H. M., & Stellefson, M. L. (2013). Internet-Based Delphi Research: Case Based Discussion. Environmental Management, 51(3), 511-523. doi:10.1007/s00267-012-0005-5Del Chiappa, G., & Baggio, R. (2015). Knowledge transfer in smart tourism destinations: Analyzing the effects of a network structure. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 4(3), 145-150. doi:10.1016/j.jdmm.2015.02.001Donohoe, H. M., & Needham, R. D. (2009). Moving best practice forward: Delphi characteristics, advantages, potential problems, and solutions. International Journal of Tourism Research, 11(5), 415-437. doi:10.1002/jtr.709Fuchs, M., Höpken, W., & Lexhagen, M. (2014). Big data analytics for knowledge generation in tourism destinations – A case from Sweden. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 3(4), 198-209. doi:10.1016/j.jdmm.2014.08.002Garrod, B., & Fyall, A. (2000). Managing heritage tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 27(3), 682-708. doi:10.1016/s0160-7383(99)00094-8Geels, F. W. (2002). Technological transitions as evolutionary reconfiguration processes: a multi-level perspective and a case-study. Research Policy, 31(8-9), 1257-1274. doi:10.1016/s0048-7333(02)00062-8Gretzel, U., Sigala, M., Xiang, Z., & Koo, C. (2015). Smart tourism: foundations and developments. Electronic Markets, 25(3), 179-188. doi:10.1007/s12525-015-0196-8Gretzel, U. (2011). Intelligent systems in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(3), 757-779. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2011.04.014Gretzel, U., Werthner, H., Koo, C., & Lamsfus, C. (2015). Conceptual foundations for understanding smart tourism ecosystems. Computers in Human Behavior, 50, 558-563. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.03.043Gretzel, U., Yuan, Y.-L., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2000). Preparing for the New Economy: Advertising Strategies and Change in Destination Marketing Organizations. Journal of Travel Research, 39(2), 146-156. doi:10.1177/004728750003900204Hall, M. C. (2008). Tourism and Innovation. doi:10.4324/9780203938430Hjalager, A.-M. (2013). 100 Innovations That Transformed Tourism. Journal of Travel Research, 54(1), 3-21. doi:10.1177/0047287513516390Ivars Baidal, J. A., Solsona Monzonís, F. J., & Giner Sánchez, D. (2016). Gestión turística y tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC): El nuevo enfoque de los destinos inteligentes. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 62(2), 327. doi:10.5565/rev/dag.285Jolly, D., & Dimanche, F. (2009). Investing in technology for tourism activities: Perspectives and challenges. Technovation, 29(9), 576-579. doi:10.1016/j.technovation.2009.05.004Jovicic, D. Z. (2016). Key issues in the conceptualization of tourism destinations. Tourism Geographies, 18(4), 445-457. doi:10.1080/14616688.2016.1183144Kanama, D., Kondo, A., & Yokoo, Y. (2008). Development of technology foresight: integration of technology roadmapping and the Delphi method. International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, 4(2), 184. doi:10.1504/ijtip.2008.018316Kitchin, R. (2014). Making sense of smart cities: addressing present shortcomings. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 8(1), 131-136. doi:10.1093/cjres/rsu027Law, R., Buhalis, D., & Cobanoglu, C. (2014). Progress on information and communication technologies in hospitality and tourism. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(5), 727-750. doi:10.1108/ijchm-08-2013-0367Li, Y., Hu, C., Huang, C., & Duan, L. (2017). The concept of smart tourism in the context of tourism information services. Tourism Management, 58, 293-300. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2016.03.014March, H., & Ribera-Fumaz, R. (2016). Smart contradictions: The politics of making Barcelona a Self-sufficient city. European Urban and Regional Studies, 23(4), 816-830. doi:10.1177/0969776414554488Munar, A. M., & Jacobsen, J. K. S. (2014). Motivations for sharing tourism experiences through social media. Tourism Management, 43, 46-54. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2014.01.012Neuhofer, B., Buhalis, D., & Ladkin, A. (2012). Conceptualising technology enhanced destination experiences. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 1(1-2), 36-46. doi:10.1016/j.jdmm.2012.08.001NIININEN, O. (2006). Consumer Centric Tourism Marketing. Tourism Management Dynamics, 175-186. doi:10.1016/b978-0-7506-6378-6.50029-9Okoli, C., & Pawlowski, S. D. (2004). The Delphi method as a research tool: an example, design considerations and applications. Information & Management, 42(1), 15-29. doi:10.1016/j.im.2003.11.002Saraniemi, S., & Kylänen, M. (2010). Problematizing the Concept of Tourism Destination: An Analysis of Different Theoretical Approaches. Journal of Travel Research, 50(2), 133-143. doi:10.1177/0047287510362775Wang, X., Li, X. (Robert), Zhen, F., & Zhang, J. (2016). How smart is your tourist attraction?: Measuring tourist preferences of smart tourism attractions via a FCEM-AHP and IPA approach. Tourism Management, 54, 309-320. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2015.12.00

    Políticas de innovación en turismo y desarrollo de clusters: la percepción gerencial en el programa Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras (AEIs)

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    This paper is part of the analysis of innovation policies in tourism. It studies the use of cluster policies and the configuration of clusters as planned initiatives, by focusing on the analysis of the tourist Innovative Business Group Programme in Spain. A qualitative method is used to study the point of view of managers who play a fundamental role in the Programme. The results of the study are related to the cluster configuration process, the favourable factors and limitations of their activity, the general evaluation of the programme and the identification of proposals on how to improve.Este trabajo se enmarca en el análisis de las políticas de innovación en turismo. Estudia la aplicación de políticas cluster y la configuración de clusters como iniciativas planificadas, centrándose en el análisis del Programa de AEIs turísticas en España. Se emplea una metodologíacualitativa para investigar la percepción de las gerencias como actores fundamentales del Programa. Los resultados de la investigación están relacionados con el proceso deconfiguración de clusters, los factores favorables y limitantes de su actividad, la valoración general del programa y la identificación de propuestas de mejora

    Smart tourism. Un estudio de mapeo sistemático

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    El concepto turismo inteligente o “Smart Tourism” se ha convertido en un término de moda ampliamente utilizado por investigadores y profesionales de distintas disciplinas. No obstante, es un concepto que contiene distintos interrogantes que deben ser resueltos para avanzar en el conocimiento científico del tema. Con esta motivación, este artículo contabiliza y categoriza la producción científica asociada, aplicando un estudio de mapeo sistemático, novedoso en el ámbito del turismo. Los resultados obtenidos se combinan para dar respuesta a un conjunto de preguntas de investigación, siguiendo para ello una estrategia o protocolo fundamentado en un proceso sistemático de revisión de la producción científica.

    Smart city and smart destination planning: Examining instruments and perceived impacts in Spain

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    The impact of technology on tourist cities and destinations has led to the emergence of renewed management approaches that seek to adapt the planning processes to new challenges and opportunities derived from the smart scenario. The smart city and smart tourist destination approaches are aimed at improving efficiency in management, the quality of life of the residents and the tourist experiences. However, little is known about how these ideas are being translated into real policies and whether they are having a real impact. The objective of this paper is to understand how the smart approach is being deployed in the planning processes of Spanish tourist cities and destinations, and its implications in terms of the governance, sustainability and data-driven public management. The planning instruments that guide the smart strategies of different Spanish cities are identified and analysed. This is complemented with a questionnaire administered among managers of the smart city and smart destination initiatives. The findings reveal the diversity of smart initiatives, their benefits and limitations. The results contribute to generating a necessary debate on the implications of the smart discourse for urban and tourism planning and enrich the international debate around this approach.Depto. de GeografíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEUnión Europea-H2020Generalitat Valencianapu

    Gestión turística y tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) : el nuevo enfoque de los destinos inteligentes

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    Este artículo analiza el nuevo enfoque de los destinos inteligentes para la gestión turística a escala local. Se estudia su génesis y se realiza una propuesta de conceptualización desde una perspectiva sistémica, que se contrasta con la gestión turística actual mediante una encuesta a municipios turísticos de la Comunidad Valenciana. Los resultados ponen de relieve que no se ha asumido como objetivo de gestión el enfoque de los destinos inteligentes, el cual requiere un proyecto global que incorpore cinco ámbitos fundamentales: gobernanza, sostenibilidad, conectividad, sistema de información e innovación. No obstante, la complejidad asociada a este enfoque hace aconsejable un desarrollo de tipo flexible, escalable y adaptado a cada entorno territorial.Aquest article analitza la nova perspectiva de les destinacions intel·ligents per a la gestió turística a escala local. Se n'hi estudia la gènesi i s'hi realitza una proposta de conceptualització des d'un punt de vista sistèmic que es contrasta amb la gestió turística actual mitjançant una enquesta als municipis turístics de la Comunitat Valenciana. Els resultats demostren que no s'ha assumit com a objectiu de gestió la perspectiva de les destinacions intel·ligents, la qual requereix un projecte global que integre cinc àmbits fonamentals: governança, sostenibilitat, connectivitat, sistema d'informació i innovació. Tanmateix, la complexitat associada a aquesta perspectiva fa aconsellable un desenvolupament de tipus flexible, escalable i adaptat a cada entorn territorial.This article analyzes the new smart destinations approach to tourism management at the local level. We examine the origins of this approach and propose a conceptualization from a systemic perspective, which is contrasted with current tourism management strategies through a survey of tourist destinations in the Valencia Region. The results show that the smart destinations approach has not been considered as a management objective. This approach requires a global project incorporating five key areas: governance, sustainability, connectivity, information system and innovation. However, due to the complexity of the smart tourist destination approach, a particular kind of development that is flexible, scalable and adapted to each geographical environment is recommendable.Cet article analyse la nouvelle approche des destinations intelligentes pour la gestion du tourisme au niveau local. On étudie sa genèse et on propose une conceptualisation à partir d'un point de vue systémique, en contraste avec la gestion du tourisme actuel à travers une enquête auprès des destinations touristiques de la Région de Valence. Les résultats montrent que cette approche n'a pas été pries comme objectif de la gestion. Cette approche a besoin d'un projet global qui intègre cinq domaines clés: la gouvernance, la durabilité, la connectivité, le système d'information et l'innovation. Cependant, la complexité associée à cette approche réclame un développement flexible, échelonné et adapté à chaque type d'environnement géographique

    Is it important to be a smart tourism destination? Public managers’ understanding of destinations in the state of Paraná

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    <div><p>Abstract The purpose of this article is to analyze how tourist municipalities in the state of Paraná understand and consider the importance of the concept of smart tourism destinations (STD) for their management. The study is justified by the relevance of the theme for destination management, considering the importance of new technology for tourism development. The originality of the study is twofold: the approach to the topic of smart tourism destinations in the context of the state of Paraná and the data collection method, coming from a country (Spain) that is a reference in the studies of smart tourism destinations. With the contribution of the theoretical framework it was possible to understand the concepts that permeate the smart tourism destinations, such as tourist destinations, destination management, information and communication technologies (ICT). This understanding was the base for the analysis carried out in the article. A mixed-method approach was adopted, since the quantitative and qualitative results were analyzed and validated through the pairing with the concepts discussed in the theoretical framework. The data collection instrument was designed by the University Institute for Tourism Research, University of Alicante, Spain, and adapted to the reality of the municipalities of Paraná, aiming to cover a spectrum of responses consistent with the perceived reality, the population of the study comprised 224 municipalities, of which 76 answers were obtained. As main results, we highlight that municipalities understand the concept and its importance for management, however, none of the destinations has governmental structures (regulatory frameworks), basic infrastructure or sufficient information to become, in coming years, smart tourism destinations.</p></div

    El turismo, ¿fin de época? Desafíos de España como destino turístico en un nuevo escenario

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    La pregunta sobre el fin de época del turismo que se plantea en el título no es una alusión a un cambio de ciclo o de fase, ni tampoco al fin del turismo, sino a la emergencia de un nuevo modelo, una transformación de alcance estructural, tanto de sus factores inductores como de sus manifestaciones multidimensionales en un mundo interrelacionado. Los indicios de esta transición empezaron a intensificarse a lo largo de la última década, antes de la aparición de la COVID-19, cuyos efectos se han sumado a otros factores. Ante la diversidad de los procesos específicos de transformación, el contenido de la obra se ha centrado en el análisis y la valoración de cuatro factores clave que, interrelacionados, son fundamentales para poder conocer y comprender el desarrollo del turismo en España y para reflexionar sobre el futuro deseado y el posible: la movilidad espacial de la población, la revolución tecnológica y la transformación digital, los límites del turismo y su desarrollo sostenible y, finalmente, la política, la planificación turística y la gobernanza. Una vez analizada su realidad, su dinámica y sus desafíos, se concluye con una valoración de los procesos de reactivación del sector y unas recomendaciones finales para la transición hacia la nueva época del turismo.The question of the end of the tourism era posed in the title is not an allusion to a change of cycle or phase, nor to the end of tourism, but to the emergence of a new model, a transformation of structural scope, both of its drivers and of its multidimensional manifestations in an interrelated world. The signs of this transition began to intensify over the last decade, before the emergence of COVID-19, the effects of which have been compounded by other factors. Given the diversity of the specific processes of transformation, the content of the book has focused on the analysis and assessment of four key factors which, interrelated, are fundamental for knowing and understanding the development of tourism in Spain and for reflecting on the desired and possible future: the spatial mobility of the population, the technological revolution and the digital transformation, the limits of tourism and its sustainable development and, finally, politics, tourism planning and governance. Once its reality, dynamics and challenges have been analysed, it concludes with an assessment of the sector's reactivation processes and some final recommendations for the transition towards the new era of tourism

    Smart Tourism. A study on systematic mapping

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    El concepto turismo inteligente o “Smart Tourism” se ha convertido en un término de moda ampliamente utilizado por investigadores y profesionales de distintas disciplinas. No obstante, es un concepto que contiene distintos interrogantes que deben ser resueltos para avanzar en el conocimiento científico del tema. Con esta motivación, este artículo contabiliza y categoriza la producción científica asociada, aplicando un estudio de mapeo sistemático, novedoso en el ámbito del turismo. Los resultados obtenidos se combinan para dar respuesta a un conjunto de preguntas de investigación, siguiendo para ello una estrategia o protocolo fundamentado en un proceso sistemático de revisión de la producción científica.ABSTRACT: The concept of smart tourism has become a buzzword widely used by researchers and practitioners from different disciplines. However, it is a fuzzy concept that contains different questions that must be resolved in order to advance in his scientific knowledge. With this motivation, this article counts and classifies the associated literature, applying a systematic mapping study, a novel method in the field of tourism. The results obtained are combined to answer a set of research questions, following a strategy or protocol based on a systematic process of literature review

    The Dual Aspect of Technology in Tourism: Social Contradictions Surrounding the Sharing Economy and Smart Destination Development

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    The technology and the rise of Web 2.0. enabled the meteoric rise of P2P platforms facilitating transactions and consequential establishment of the sharing economy concept. This accelerated technological change has led to new dynamics in cities and tourist destinations such as over-tourism with the so-called arise of sharing economy significantly fueling it. The main purpose of our chapter is to systematically review this dual aspect of technological impacts in tourism. On the one hand, we review the technological aspects that underpin the development of sharing economy and consequential over-tourism in destinations. On the other hand, we consider aspects that seem to be promising to provide solutions and make the currently rather idealistic ideas of smart and socially sustainable destinations also work in practice. As such the chapter critically addresses and connects diverse concepts that are interrelated, but rarely discussed together

    The evolution of mass tourism destinations: new approaches beyond deterministic models in Benidorm (Spain)

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    Although deterministic models of the evolution of mass tourism coastal resorts predict an almost inevitable decline over time, theoretical frameworks of the evolution and restructuring policies of mature destinations should be revised to reflect the complex and dynamic way in which these destinations evolve and interact with the tourism market and global socio-economic environment. The present study examines Benidorm because its urban and tourism model and large-scale tourism supply and demand make it one of the most unique destinations on the Mediterranean coast. The investigation reveals the need to adopt theories and models that are not purely deterministic. The dialectic interplay between external factors and the internal factors inherent in this destination simultaneously reveals a complex and diverse stage of maturity and the ability of destinations to create their own future.The study was carried out within the framework of the research project Renovation of consolidated coastal tourist destinations: new instruments for planning and management financed by the National R&D&I Plan 2008e2011 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation